If Certain Value Saved in List, Move That Row To Different List?


Hi, we have two lists: "In Progress" and "Completed".

We have a List of projects, containing elements such as Project Name, Invoice #, Customer, Status, etc. The "Status" element is drop-down with "In Progress" and "Completed" type of choices. In our database we have two identical tables (in_progress and completed) connected to our two lists.

Is it possible when "Completed" is chosen from the Status drop-down that it moves that row from the "In Progress" list to the "Completed" list?

Or doing the tabbed demo below would work for us. We're just needing to move the "Completed" projects to somewhere else; but still be able to visit those items if needed..

J! 2.5.x
Fabrik 3.0.8
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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