IE 10 extremely laggy when loading, viewing a form


Hi I'm digging this old thread up again

Forms are extremely laggy in IE and IE only. This does not affect firefox and Chrome

Form actually loads fine but every time I click on a drop down element, or click into a text field or scroll there is a like a 4-10 second delay for any response. For example if i click on drop down it freezes up and take 6 seconds for it to respond and select the option.

If I add the following to the default.php page
unset (JFactory::getDocument()->_scripts['/media/system/js/mootools-core.js']);

The form works fine with no lag issues. Why does mootools-core.js cause the fabrik forms to be so laggy in IE?
Any suggestions to make it work with IE? I have about 200 fields on the form. Again no issues with firefox or chrome.
If you unset mootools then it would work quicker as it's likely no events will be added to any elements.

Maybe it's actually something conflicting with mootools, i.e some jquery plugin or event. Different browsers handle things in different ways, so maybe IE10 response is to go all laggy on you. :)

Have you tried loading the page with IE developer tools to see if there are any errors?
I'm using the default template(for testing), i removed all the custom javascript (just kept joomlas core defualt JS files it calls and protostar template js).

I narrowed the issue down to the date/time fields. I'm using the calendar control including the time selector.

I have 20 date time fields. When I publish them, it hangs the browser and the delays start.
I have 180 fields that are a combination of dropdowns database joins, radio and checkboxed. They all seem to work fine but as soon as I start to publish the data fields it start to get delayed effect. I'm not sure why this only affects IE.

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