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How to: Add/Edit row in list view



I am trying to implement this with not much luck.

LISTC (Posts [listA] with a join to Comment[listB])======
LIST A                                                                 LISTB
id,user, post                                                        id, postid,user,comment
1,ben,hello                                                           5,1,wallace,something
                                                                                6,1,james,another thing
2,shapiro,come over                                           12,2,brown,ok

In this list view I want
.1 Comments to be able to be added right here in the list view
.2 the owners of comments to be able to edit or/and delete their comments.

How do I achieve this?
The two methods I could think of were/would not work.

Method 1;
Edit ListC list view template and add FormB and DetailB into each row (Form for posting and detail for viewing). This was going to work till I found out the ListView is a form on its own so the FormB I inserted into the row was nested into FormC and did not work.
So to test, I changed the <form.. in the ListView template to <div... and FormB started working...… well only the first occurrence of the form. The remaining forms in row 2 and below did not work. I'm guessing cos they all have the same formid.

Method 2;
Use Inline Edit List Plugin:
Well, the warning is clear in the wiki not to use this on joined tables so :-(

Is there a way to make this work?


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