How can I hide "Create an account" from login module but leaving "Allow User Registration" enabled


New Member
Hello, I'm using Fabrik to build a custom registration form, and a menu to open it, but I also need the "login" module to allow registered users to access the site.
If I set "Allow User Registration" enabled everything work well, but the login module shows "Create an account", that brings to the standard registration form from Joomla.
What I need is: view standard login but WITHOUT the "Create an account" item, or a way to connect to this item the Fabrik form.
As indicated in the Wiki, the simplest way is to create an override of the login module and either modify the "Create an account" link or get rid of it altogether.
Thanks Lousyfool, I've made an override for the login module, as specified in Wiki ( but maybe I miss some point, even after cleaning the cache I get always the old version, not the override...
What I did:
- from template list-> create override.>edit file "templates/atelier/html/com_users/login/default_login.php" changing link from "index.php?option=com_users&view=registration" to "index.php/iscrizione" where iscrizione is the menu item for my registration form -> save
- navigate to the site -> clear cache -> update page: still the previous link "view=registration"
I'm baffled...
What I did:
- from template list-> create override.>edit file "templates/atelier/html/com_users/login/default_login.php"
That's the login page of the users component ("com_..."), means the login page your site visitors will get to when you have a login menu item.

You were talking about the login module, and so, as I said, you want to override the login module.
Wow!!!! Thanks a lot lousyfool... You're right, I was really confusing the two component and module, but as you know sometime it's the big name on the map that you don't see...
Thanks again
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