Get Value another table


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Hi... Anyone can help me.. I'm stuck . I have 2 table list.

1. Allocation
2. Overtime

In overtime have datajoin userid from allocation list

How I want get sum value 'total_hours' that's mean total is 11 for 'use' in Allocation list by userid


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Hi er1dgreat,
first of all: your question should have been the first post in the 'Community Help' section :)

Regarding your question my solution would be: the Use field should be of type 'calc' and I would do there a database query. Something like 'Select Sum(total_hours) From OvertimeStaff Where userid=employee'
This is just a rough approach and to show you the direction. For details, how to perform this task, I would propose to have a look into the wiki
Tq for reply... I'm try do like this

$mydb = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $mydb->getQuery(true);
->where($mydb->quoteName('userid').' = "{er1dgreat_allocation___employee_raw}"');
$sum_total = $mydb->loadResult();
return $sum_total;

But get error.. pls help me..

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I'm not really a coding specialist and just try until it is working..
But what I have learned is, that the JFactory::getDbo(); is depreciated (even if it still works)

I tried to change your code a bit to the way I'm doing similiar tasks. For sure there is no guarantee it works and it would be great, if someone else comments on this

$mydb = \\Joomla\\CMS\\Factory::getContainer()->get('DatabaseDriver');
$query = $mydb->getQuery(true);
$query->where('userid =' . $employee);
$sum_total = $mydb->loadResult();
return $sum_total;
Oha, again in the wrong forum. Your initial question was in the fabrik4 -> bugs, issues, suggestions section. That's why I thought you have fabrik4, have not a real issue, just a 'how to' question and I proposed to move it to the community help section. I didn't think so far as @troester did :-(

Your question should have been placed in the fabrik3 community section of the forum.

In regards of your problem you should try following code:

$mydb = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $mydb->getQuery(true);
$query->where('userid =' . $employee);
$sum_total = $mydb->loadResult();
return $sum_total;
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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