Get email content email form plugin


I would like to write the {content} {template} of mail send with "email form plugin" in a table
I do that directly with the email.php template, that works for placeholders but how doing that for {content} {template} ?
Thank you for your answer.
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I builded a "email history" table to see emails send to students.
I can get differents values from placeholders when I send mail with plugin but I miss the content of email.
Inside the php template you can do
$mycontent ='{content}';

Inside the "Message text" field you can access {content} and {template}

You can't access {template} inside the template itself.
I know how using thoses placeholders but how can I insert in a table with a php plugin the whole content of the email I have send to get a history of emails sent to the user ?
Thank you
If you are doing the complete output in your php template (so nothing in "Message text" field):
collect your message text in one string (i.e. no multiple echo '...'; )
Then echo this string (for the email) and insert it (+ subject + recipient etc) into the DB.
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