Geocode Coordinates from Google Map Element

Can the geo coordinates from maps element be saved into another element and then pass the coordinates as url parameters. to build a link to be sent out in an email?
Why not?
If nothing else, obviously you can fetch any data stored anywhere in the database with a query, then use it in whatever context.
I know this but I was referring to the element... I see where the map is drawn but where would I find the coordinates to build an URL with with the coordinates as parameters within the URL?
Generally, again, you could look it up in phpMyAdmin to see how data is stored. Or use a Fabrik placeholder with "_raw" appended e.g. in a calc element and see what you're getting.
In the process of doing so... was trying to clarify what your response meant... I thought you may have been referring to what GoogleMaps expects and not necessarily the Fabrik element placeholder
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