Gap between template and pdf output - fabrik install screwed up?

I was updating my template which was fine so far and suddenly, all layout/font/character changed to something weird.
I of course tried to undo changes without success.
For some time ( 10 min ) , the form was "not published" goind through the public website, where I was abel to access it from the admin , submitting news entries without problems.
1 - What I did wrong or what happened ? did I submitted too much entries as I was testing ?
2 - linked maybe to point 1 , how can I get back my form properly ?

Attached : default.php of the template & pdf output

thx !


  • default - Copy.php.txt
    19.7 KB · Views: 7
  • Joomla-Administration-1.pdf
    549.1 KB · Views: 5
Hi, I'm adding a strange behavior that I haven I think, since this issue.
The form I'm using is mentionned as "not published" when accessed via the front-end.
BUT it is published ( name is : 'inscriptions au club').
I checked and I can use the form from the admin side, changing / submitting etc....
I tried to switch back to bootstrap template, same results....( attached )
what did I do wrong or was there an issue at some point ?


  • Clipboard01.jpg
    28.5 KB · Views: 10
  • bootstrap.pdf
    25 KB · Views: 6
  • form_not_published.jpg
    3.8 KB · Views: 8
Just a reminder that response time in Standard is 3 working days. We are usually quicker than that, but sometimes it'll be 3 days.

For the PDF formatting issue, can you look in ...


... and see if you have a file called dompdf_font_family_cache.php. You'll have one called dompdf_font_family_cache.dist.php (with the 'dist' in the path), but the one you are looking for is without 'dist'. If so, delete it, and try a PDF again.

-- hugh
Cool. Note that it'll probably recreate itself, but that's OK. The problem was, that file gets created (if it doesn't exist) by DOMPDF when it builds documents, with information about your font library (in case you want to add custom fonts). I had accidentally committed the copy from my test server, which was built on Windows, and had \ in the file paths, which meant that folk running on Linux got bitten.

I've removed that copy from github, but anyone who had updated from github or installed 3.8.1 had the broken file, which has to be deleted manually.

-- hugh