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Form pop-up on Save.



I would like to have a Form Popup, asking the user which e-mail(s) address(es) to send to.

This popup should display, based on an Yes/No element on the form, where the user would decide if we wants to send the e-mail or not.

Then, if selected Yes, the Popup would pop, with a list of emails (associated to the customer, for example), and the user can decide with a select box, who he wants to send the e-mail to (can be multiple).

Is there a way to accomplish this on a Form on save?

Thanks in advance.
Not easily as I know of.

You could just redirect the user to another form which has the element for selecting e-mail addresses and save button called "Send e-mail" and Cancel button for skipping sending.

Or just have the e-mail element on the same form and if needed, hide it initially on form load and show if yes/no element's value is "Yes".

From the UX point of view, I see no benefit of popup window.
Not easily as I know of.

You could just redirect the user to another form which has the element for selecting e-mail addresses and save button called "Send e-mail" and Cancel button for skipping sending.

Or just have the e-mail element on the same form and if needed, hide it initially on form load and show if yes/no element's value is "Yes".

From the UX point of view, I see no benefit of popup window.

OK @juuser , the second option seems a good solution. But, How woult you populate the field with the email adresses available (from a query), and how would you select those you want/need, to send with the mail plugin?

Something like this:

Do you have the e-mail addresses in a separate table? If yes, you can use databasejoin element rendered as Checkbox or Multi-select dropdown. For the multiselect dropdown make sure "Enhanced dropdown" is enabled, so the e-mail searching works in the field in case there are many e-mails.

And then in e-mail plugin just adding you e-mail element as placeholder in the "To" field should work (didn't test).
OK, perfect.
I'm trying to populate the databasejoin element, with a list connected to a database view.

It works with dropdown option, but not with Checkbox or MultiSelect.

The list connected to the view is like this:


And I have the element like this, which results on a populated list:

upload_2023-9-5_15-47-38.png upload_2023-9-5_15-46-19.png

But, If I change the Render to CheckBox or MultiSelect (even with the "Enhanced Dropdown" option active), I get this error:


I'm missing something here...
Hard to say. At least you have a non-standard setup in your ztmk_contacts_view table with a non-standard primary key field name and auto-increment set to No. But I think this is a label, so I can't see what is your actual primary key field name in database (id or something else).

When you set databasejoin element to render and Multi-select dropdown or Checkbox, new database table called something like "your-maintable-name_repeat_dbjoinelement-name" is created. And this table has parent_id element which has relation to your main table id element. So might be that the non-standard name of your id element may cause this, but not sure without seeing the actual set-up.
Hard to say. At least you have a non-standard setup in your ztmk_contacts_view table with a non-standard primary key field name and auto-increment set to No. But I think this is a label, so I can't see what is your actual primary key field name in database (id or something else).

When you set databasejoin element to render and Multi-select dropdown or Checkbox, new database table called something like "your-maintable-name_repeat_dbjoinelement-name" is created. And this table has parent_id element which has relation to your main table id element. So might be that the non-standard name of your id element may cause this, but not sure without seeing the actual set-up.


On my view, I've created an Id field (auto_increment), and changed the Fabrik List setup:


I can render the E-mail addresses as dropdown and radiobutton, but not as Checkbox or MultiSelect List...

Not sure what's happening.
Looks like the problem is that the element is expecting only one value, and not multiple...
Is the table where you take the e-mail addresses a MySql view instead of a "regular" table? I have never had any issues with multiselect databasejoin, so it must be something odd in your set-up.
Is the table where you take the e-mail addresses a MySql view instead of a "regular" table? I have never had any issues with multiselect databasejoin, so it must be something odd in your set-up.
Yes, it is.
Do you this it might be related to it?
I don't have a test case now, but very likely it is related. Can't you pull the e-mail addresses directly from the "regular" table which is a source for the view?

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