filter list using URL parameters


I have list and via url I need to filter it. I use parameter field=04, but the problem is that I need to see only records which start from 04 because i need records like 040,0400,0401, etc. and not need records like 304501 and etc. I think that I need to extra fiilter list on list load event but don't know how to do it... Appreciate any help.
If you always want a two-digit filter, why don't you just use a calc field to get the first two digits from the original field and use it as filter parameter?
I have menu with links pointed to this code so I click link and want to load only records starting from parameters how to realize this with calk field -don't know.
Hi there

I second @Wazetel: Make a calc field that just returns a yes (1) if your record is in the "04-category" or not. Then filter via URL for the calc field = 1.

Make sure to set such a calc to "Only calc on save" = yes, so it won't calc "on the fly" but always can take the calculated value from the database (which is used for filtering).
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