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Filter child list based on main list field.


Hello. I need help !

I have a list of Projects (image below) and I have a calc element Tarefas (which means Tasks in Portuguese).

This calc element is displaying the number of tasks that are pending (X from Y) on a Project (Projeto). This tasks are recorded on another list (Tasks List) and I would like to have a custom link on the main list, that links to the Tasks list, but filter that Tasks lists by the Project number field, which also exists on that Tasks list.

I don't know if this is possible, but I was playing with element custom link examples on the Wiki https://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/element-custom-link-examples,
, but with no avail.


The idea is to have something like this, after clicking on the link:


Is this possible?
Thanks in advance
Assuming you have databasejoin element (e.g. project_id) in your Tasks list referring to Projects list id element, it should be simple as that:

Assuming you have databasejoin element (e.g. project_id) in your Tasks list referring to Projects list id element, it should be simple as that:

@juuser , this is near perfect. Thank's a lot.

I'm just having an issue I can't solve.

Once I click on the first Project, the filter stays selected permanently. So, If I go back to the main list, and select another project, the filter selected is still the previous one.

I've tried this on the custom link:

1 - index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=list.view&listid=51&resetfilters=0&clearordering=0&clearfilters=0&tasklist___project_id={projectlist___id_raw}

2 -index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=list.view&listid=51&tasklist___project_id={projectlist___id_raw}&resetfilters=0&clearordering=0&clearfilters=0

But still couldn't get it working.

Do yu have any suggestion?

Thanks in advance.
OK, I think I've made it:

Resetfilters to 1 have made it!!!!


Thanks @juuser . This is just perfect.