Fatal error on New Element...


I get the following error message:
Fatal error: Access level to plgFabrik_ElementCascadingdropdown::_buildQuery() must be public (as in class plgFabrik_ElementDatabasejoin) in /home/platform3/public_html/plugins/fabrik_element/cascadingdropdown/cascadingdropdown.php on line 1102

This APPEARS to have nothing to do with Joomla Access levels, but rather the scope of the function in the php files...

Joomla 2.5.7

As usual, the timing's terrible, I'm on a deadline for Tuesday. 80+ percent of the website built with Fabrik...
Are you sure you have uploaded ALL of the latest github?

That error is telling you that PHP thinks the _buildQuery method in the database join element is 'public', but the same method in the CDD element (which extends the database join element class) is 'protected', which would indeed be an error.

But in the github code, the _buildQuery method in both classes is 'protected':

From databasejoin.php, line 535:

	protected function _buildQuery($data = array(), $incWhere = true, $opts = array())

From cascadingdropdown.php, line 464:

	protected function _buildQuery($data = array(), $incWhere = true, $opts = array())

So, try grabbing the latest github ZIP again, and make sure you upload everything, and tell your ftp client to "always overwrite".

-- hugh
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