Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::getForm() instead of 404 error page

Hi everyone,

i have a clean J!2.5.6 installation and the latest fabrik from github. the default menuitem (home) is a fabrik list, sef with mod_rewrite is active.
if i force a link that results in a 404 error, the following php error is shown:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::getForm() in [...]/components/com_fabrik/views/form/view.base.php  on line 57

Thanks for help,
Daniel :)
if i force a link that results in a 404 error, the following php error is shown:
Could you explain that one to me please? In what way are you forcing the link?
Could you explain that one to me please? In what way are you forcing the link?

sure: i try to load the website with a non-existent
URL like www.mywebsite.com/fhhhffyvjjgfsbju

normally joomla gives a 404 error message, but not in my/this case.
Posted via Mobile Device
Do you have a custom 404 page in your server config?

I can't replicate this, but it sounds like your 404 page is set to be a J! page.

-- hugh
my collegue has tested a little and it seems to be that it isn't necessary to use it as frontpage. we have a test environment, so you can see by yourself:

normal link: http://markus.joomladev.de/j25/index.php/kontaktformular/
link with wrong url: http://markus.joomladev.de/j25/index.php/kontaktformular/abcde

furthermore we discovered the following (my collegue wrote it):
My plug-in "Fabrik Validation - is not" is active.
And I run it on an element with plug-in "dropdown".
If the form is filled correctly and I push the send button all runs proper. I get redirected to my specified site and an e mail to my specified e mail adress.
Whenever a form-element throws an validation error and I correct and resend it the following error appears:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::getForm() in /kunden/185884_53489/rp-hosting/14/14/__subdomains/markus/j25/components/com_fabrik/views/form/view.base.php on line 57

I still receive the e mail, but redirection fails.

you can test it here by yourself: http://markus.joomladev.de/j25/index.php/kontaktformular/

dan :)
Right, but can you answer my question about whether you have a custom 404 page set up in your web server, and if so, what is it?

And, can you open a separate thread about the validation / redirect issue?

-- hugh
this is odd.
I couldn't replicate locally at all.
I could on another site, I had what I think was a single joomla article as the homepage, changing the default home page menu link to something else would then produce the correct 404 page when I tried to access a non-existant page.

I then edited and saved (without making any changes to the options) the original menu item, and re-set it to the home page and the issue with the Fatal error message was gone!!

The only thing of note I can think of was that this site had gone through a Joomla upgrade recently

So, could you try doing what I did to see if it effects things?

Hi Rob, the problem already exists after i checked your points. i set up a test environment so you can see the problem and probably can have look in the backend too.
ok, here is my test platform: http://labs.dvlpmnt.de/j25
an important point is, that native sef with mod_rewrite has to be enabled to get the error.

as you can see, the first menu element is a fabrik list http://labs.dvlpmnt.de/j25
now if you force a 404 error like http://labs.dvlpmnt.de/j25/doesntexist.html the error occurs.

if you like to have a look into the backend or get ftp access, pls say so. i will pm you back.

unless i didn't get notification mails from this forum, you can send me a short email at dkl@i-tm.org.

thx for help,
dan :)
I need to insert a conditional paypal button in my form, or just a link to an html page when i select a option, no success with the calc or display element ,no way to make a clicable link displayed on my form,... is it an easy way to do that ?

Could you post that as a new thread, rather than a followup on an unrelated thread?

Oh, and Dan, I think we got this resolved?

-- hugh