• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

Fabrik 4.0 Official is here

What do I have to say, if everyone has already spoken???...
If they said what I had to say???...
Any word I say here will be resounding...
But I can emphasize my thanks, my compliments and wish everyone much success...
And to Henk van Klinken's baby, lots of Health, Peace and Love...
As of today, February 1, 2024, your Fabrik development team is please to announce the release of our first official Fabrik V4.0. It has been a long time coming with many milestones along the way. We have to thank Henk van Klinken for his tenacity and determination to get Fabrik working on Joomla 4. His leadership brought along myself, achartier/Alex, and troester/Beate to finish it up. It is unfortunate Henk is no longer with us to see his baby born.

Henk also did a lot of work rewriting the Fabrik core to implement the newer J4 & J5 interfaces. That work will hopefully continue.

In the mean time, head on over to our download section and get yourself a fresh copy of Fabrik.

One thing that has now been reinstated is the J! updater, so as we make newer releases you will see them available in the extensions update section of your administration.
I've had a project running on J3. Now I've migrated it to J4 and everthing works as before.
Many thanks to the team for making Fabrik work on J4 (and J5....)