element 'eval populate' echo does not work anymore


in the 'Eval populate', the 'echo' command was working in the previous version.

how can it works in the new version ?
Echo from eval populate should never have worked. The eval populate must return an array of options. You will need to insert the constant another way. I have used sourcerer to include things like this in the forms intro.
You should also be able to include it via the Web Asset Manager in the eval populate, but I have not tried it.
Echo from eval populate should never have worked. The eval populate must return an array of options. You will need to insert the constant another way. I have used sourcerer to include things like this in the forms intro.
I confirm the 'echo' command in 'eval populate' works with the version 3.10

a part of my code is :
$Db->setQuery("SELECT id,nom FROM table WHERE `sel`='Y' ORDER BY NOM");
$Libs = $Db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($Libs as $Lib) {
$options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $Lib->id, $Lib->nom);
echo "-".$Lib->id;
if ($check_Libs_tab[$Lib->id]) {
echo '<SCRIPT>tableau_check.push("fabrikgrid_'.$Lib->id.'");</SCRIPT>';
return $options;
While it may have worked in F3 it will not work in F4. The Eval Populate is to return an array of options, that is all.
In F3, I pre-check some Item with JS using 'echo'
In F4, I don't understand how to flag 'selected' item to pre-check some of them.
I know what items I have to check via my database.
You should also update your $Db to
$db = Joomla\CMS\Factory::getContainer()->get('DatabaseDriver');
As mentioned in another thread, us the Web Asset Manager to insert JavaScript to check the selected items.
I use :

$wa = Factory::getApplication()->getDocument()->getWebAssetManager();
$wa->addInlineScript('content of inline1');

It works !
thank's a lot...