Design suggestions -> external webservice to user creation


New Member
I am working on a site which has multiple external data sources.

One of them is a user validation against an external database using WSDL.
The user needs to enter an identification number along with their name to do a lookup in the database, this results in some information that is returned in XML format.

Currently I load a form that is not stored in a database. This form takes the initial input. It then does the actual lookup in an external script via php plugin. The script also handles generating some data (username and more) and checking that the data that returned is valid. If the script fails it redirects you back to the input form (from the script) with an appropriate error. I am not too happy with having the script doing redirects to static pages.

If it succeeds it stores the needed data in session variables and redirects to another form. The elements on this form are populated by getting the session variables. This form has a JUser and a PHP plugin. The JUser element creates a user with the appropriate user and the PHP plugin clears session variables and de-initializes.

I am not sure this is a tidy approach to fetching data from external sources and passing between forms. Are there other approaches I should have looked at? Other possible structures?

One problem is that I can't add a user from list view, it brings up the intial entry form, but the redirect doesn't seem to work in the popup (fabrik doesn't 'perceive' that these forms are related).

I can work around this, but I suspect I might also get similar problems with the registration page (or possibly not).

Is there a better Fabrik way of doing it?

Any insights from similar structures are much appreciated.

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