Database Join: Add data to only the parent or child table. How?

I have been struggling with the below for quite some time. Hope I am building it correctly!

I am building a system wherein certain registered users (say U1) will submit data (Table: Submission, with a few child tables with FK to SubmissionID) and certain other users (say U2) will review data and provide comments (Table: Comments) against the submissions. (So, U1 will enter data for their submissions; U2 will see all the list of Submissions and provide comments to be stored in Comments). The Submissions to Comments is a 1-to-Many relationship. I have set different ACLs for the users.

I have managed to get the Submission part working using Fabrik List/Form/Elements (Thanks to the Fabrik team for building such a great tool!!!). Although implementing the Comments part has been a struggle. I have created a Foreign Key in Comments linking to the SubmissionID, and done a DB Join for the same.

Now when I enter a new Submission, it asks me for a Comment as well, which is not what I expected. I have tried to suppress this by using access control, etc, but have been unsuccessful.

Thus my questions:
1. Am I right to create a DB Join between Submission and Comments? If not, then how shall I manage this?
2. If yes, how do I enable adding data to only the parent table (Submission table, while it has a DB join with Comments)?
3. And, how do I enable adding data to only the child table (Comments table)?

Thanks for your support! :)

Copy your submission list, give distinct names (e.g submission1), this will create a new set of list/form/groups/elements linked to the same database table(s).
Edit your new list submission1 and delete the join to comments table.
Now you should have a list without -[comments] group and elements.
In the databasejoin "Frontend add" you'll see both forms submission and submission1, select submission1.
Dear troester,
Thanks for your quick response. I do understand the solution provided and at some point was thinking of creating a view in the DB.
Could you please explain the last step... Where exactly will I find the "Frontend add". I am unable to locate it in List/Form/Element. :(

Thanks again!

Dear troester,
I got it working. Was wrongly searching for a drop down names "Frontend add" in the admin panel. Got the menu item to point to submission1. Thanks again!
