CRON task on protected site

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I need to trigger the Fabrik cron plugin on a site protected by a htaccess file.

Is there a way to "sneak in", maybe calling the cron directly to a PHP CLI call to a file through the server that hosts the site?
Are you triggering it with a cron job, firing a wget?

If so, you should just be able to provide the username and password in the wget call ...

wget --user=foo --password=bar123

If you have special characters in the password, you may have to % encode them, like %21 for !

-- hugh
I reopen this post because I still have issues with this cron task (email plugin).

I have a prefiltered list and a PHP condition returning either true or false and if the condition is met, an email is sent and an element gets updated to the date sent via:

$now = new DateTime();
return $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

Manually, everything works fine, even though I have this error in the log file (AFTER the message "mail sent"):

2,DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (NOW()) at position 3 ((): Unexpected character,/home/xxx/public_html/libraries/fabrik/fabrik/Helpers/Worker.php,2018

and also the time of last run is not updated

If I try triggering the task via ?fabrik_cron=1, I get just the error above and nothing else.

Is it a bug or something I set up wrongly?
Well somehow it seems that it resolves itself. Still reports some errors but the cron is triggered. Let's leave it be.
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