Creating a survey with Fabrik


Good morning everyone.
Though i have been using Fabrik for some time, i have to realize that i am stuck because there is something i have never done with Fabrik: a survey.

My solution at this moment is:
1 list with the user data (using the jUser plugin)
1 list with the survey questions
1 list with the answers

I have created several questions that also have a field "userID" so that the questions can be linked to individual users. This is a simple list, nothing fancy.

Then i made a menu pointing to the Fabrik list "answers" - but here i am having a total blackout.
How can i tell this list to gather the questions depending on the userID? I am certain that i must use some database join but i can not figure out how and where !? :(

Am i on the wrong path with my solution?
How can i show let's say the 14 questions created within the list "questions" by user X within the "answers" form?

A simple survey, but i am stuck. Blackout. Total. All your base are belong to us!
Can anyone tell me if a "Group" of the Questions List would help out to save the data in the Answers Lists? I am absolutely unsure how to create a survey via Fabrik :(
If I'm understanding what you need to do, it wouldn't be straight forward. You'd need some custom code to automatically add the questions you want to a repeat group.

I can't think of any way of doing it without custom code.

-- hugh