Cascading dropdown work on form edit but not on list filter

Hi All,
I created a list with data inner join to other table for linking with administrative level (district and province) . I made 1 database join for top level (province) and 2 cascading dropdowns for district and commune/ward for the main list and these 3 dropdowns were set as filter for the list.
At front-end view: the province (dbjoin) and district cascading dropdown worked well upon the changing of province, the communes cascading drop drown did not update when district cascading dropdown item was selected.
However, when opening the record to access the edit form, they all worked well: I select Province drop down > both district and commune cascading dropdowns were updated accordingly.
I could not find the cause for this strange. Can anyone advice me with thanks.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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