Can't create new db table

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Just a shot in the dark, can you create a new database user in cpanel making sure they have all privileges and then create a new connection in fabrik with the new users parameters and use the new connection in fabrik and see if that works.
I think troester has a better idea.
Is this a freebie webhoster or something you pay for? Who is your host?

As with Troesters comments, the setup doesn't look quite right.
Have tested to install Fabrik on a local installation and I can make a new form without errors.

@gstyles, I don't have a cpanel access.

@felixkat, it's a company webhost.

To remember, it works fine to install and edit (add data and change labels) Fabrik sample data. But not to add a new db or element. This might be useful to know.

Is it some setting you could suggest to change at my webhost?
There's nothing I can suggest that hasn't been suggested already. It's something to do with your specific server setup, but exactly what, I really have no clue. I've never seen this problem before, nobody else is having it, and none of us can replicate it.

I would start by comparing the MySQL settings and user permissions on your main server to the local one that you successfully tested on. It's very probably either a MySQL or PHP configuration issue, but as I've never seen this problem before and can't replicate it, I really have no useful suggestions.

-- hugh
Sorry to reopen this thread!

Does anyone know there to find the php-script that makes the error I receive trying to make a new form (See below)?
500 - An error has occurred.
Incorrect table name '' SQL=CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `` (`id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `date_time` DATETIME null, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = MYISAM
This might be the solution to my problem.
Can you try creating a list with a simple name, just something like 'testtable'.

Set this as your label and your 'Table Name'.
That line of code is around line 2082 in the back end list model, ./administrator/components/com_fabrik/models/list.php, in the createDbTable() method.

Are you creating your list from the Lists tab, or by selected 'record in db' when creating a new Form?

-- hugh
I really don't know what those code lines are doing in detail, but is e.g.
$post = JRequest::get('post');
working if functions like
are disabled?
Can you try creating a list with a simple name, just something like 'testtable'.

Set this as your label and your 'Table Name'.
Still same error

Are you creating your list from the Lists tab, or by selected 'record in db' when creating a new Form?
Tried both ways..

apache_get_version,apache_getenv,apache_lookup_uri ,
apache_note,apache_request_headers,apache_reset_ti meout,
I ask my host if he can enable these
Our host found this error in the logs:
Undefined index:  db_table_name in
on line 994, referer
Personally I would ask your host if you could move to a PHP 5.3 server, this would at least eliminate it being a PHP issue. Joomla 3 and many 3rd parties are only going to support 5.3 moving forward, so now would be a good time for the upgrade.

It does seem to be a strange setup.
Our host found this error in the logs:
Undefined index:  db_table_name in
on line 994, referer

While the line number doesn't quite jive with latest code, that seems to be in our makeNewJoin() code, which should only get run when creating a new join between two tables, when we create the new group and elements for it.

And again that's where we should get the table name from the posted data:

        $origTable = JArrayHelper::getValue(JRequest::getVar('jform'), 'db_table_name');

... which seems to be a theme on this thread, it looks like for whatever reason, the posted data isn't making it through.

-- hugh
Do you have something like suhosin installed on the server? Or any other security php module that might alter what is sent in the $_POST data?
No, my host don't have any Sushosin-patch, just a 'default' php installed. Nothing that should affect POST-data.
:) For some time now, this problem is gone and Fabrik work without any known problems!

My host has not done any updates (major), so it 's Fabrik updates that's made it!

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