can i use fabrik similar to a cash register?

Re your email ... I haven't committed the changes I've mad in the last day or two, as it's still not quite working.

I'll post here as soon as I have committed something.

The problem stems from the fact that you have two "auto" actions going on - the auto-complete on the join element, and the autofill for the form, which is using that auto-complete join as the "observed" element.

I've gotten the auto-complete join change you needed working, which is to skip popping up the menu if there is only one matching selection with what is typed in the join's auto-fill field. And it *should* be triggering the form autofill, as if you had manually made a selection. But that part is only working about half the time.

-- hugh
I'm working on it today.

As per our off forum chats, my laptop developed an overheating condition (i.e. died) the evening we started the github update, it's taken me about a day and a half to get a new one, recover what I needed from the old one, and get the new one set up with all the tools I need.

-- hugh
Spent another couple of hours banging my head on this one ... oh so close to having it all work ... one remaining issue ... I've got rob looking at it now.

-- hugh
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