• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

can anyone say me which viz is deprecated?


1-i want to understand what are viz s are work correctly?
2-also in the past, Hugh say he want integrate fabrik with plotalot. is there any plan for that or is it do or need to how much found?
3-which is better? plotalot or fusionchart viz?
As far as I know/see:
Surely working ones: Googlemap, Fullcalendar
Recently (= after 3.9 release) updated: fusion chart, nvd3 chart, slideshow
Still working but deprecated: Calendar
Deprecated: Chart (= Google chart)
Not in Fabrik3.9 at all: Kaltura
After we picked up a couple of large clients who want to use FusionCharts, I decided to carry on working with the fusionchart plugin, rather than integrating with plotalot (also, turns out the plotalot integration still requires a lot of manual work by the user). I'm actively developing it atm. In fact, I just added a couple of really useful features, like being able to specify your own query (in native MySQL) or calling a PHP function which returns the data, rather then using the standard list model getData(). This allows for complex reporting, without having to build MySQL views. I also just added FusionMaps handling.

It's still a work in progress, and not the easiest plugin to configure, but the results are worth the effort.

-- hugh
calling a PHP function which returns the data
hi hugh...it is very good... can you say me where is this? i can not find that, i guess maybe need to update.
other question, is it possible show ajaxify chart after the page load then run the chart?
it is very suitable for when user have more chart WITH your new PHP function option, because in php function maybe exist some operation that take long time and in this way page loading is slow. have you any advice for speed up my page loading that has some php function that have some webservice with curl?
hi hugh...it is very good... can you say me where is this? i can not find that, i guess maybe need to update

I only added those features a week or so ago, so you'd need to do a github update.

other question, is it possible show ajaxify chart after the page load then run the chart?

You mean a deferred / lazy load? That's not a feature atm, but all the pieces are there to allow AJAX updating of a chart, so it would be a quick feature to add. Most of the code could be copied from the map viz, which has that feature. As soon as I need that feature, or someone wants to fund it, I'll do it.

have you any advice for speed up my page loading that has some php function that have some webservice with curl?

Not really, as I have no idea what you are doing. You'd need to sign up as a client, so I could do an evaluation.

-- hugh