[BUG] in databasejoin popup select is not working if value is not the list id


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I am using a databasejoin element with "Front-end Select" -> yes

The databasejoin is using a list named "customusers" wich is having three elements "id (primary key), userid (joomla user id), name"

if in the "data" tab i set
value -> id (recommended)
label -> name

Everything is working fine. ie the popup is opening, user clicks on the "customuser" he wants inside the popup and the value is set in the dropdown option.

if in the "data" tab i set
value -> userid (because i want to save the Juserid and not the list id)
label -> name

User is seeing the popup but although he selects a customuser from the list, the dropdown option is not changing to to the selected value.

Fabrik 3.3.1
Joomla 3.4.3

That's too bad..
I really needed it to work like described.
I 'll try to fix the javascript to work as i want and i'll post my fix..

I have a feeling it may not be simple, as I'm pretty sure the popup list selection is always going to return the primary key for that list. In other words, the 'value' (FK) of your join element will have to be the same as the PK of the list you are selecting from.

Of course I may be wrong.

-- hugh
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