An error has occurred with a eval'd field - please inform the web-site owner. Debug: Eval except


Active Member
Hi I was reading this thread and the wiki and I believe I have the same issue but wanted to confirm if it was due to code deprecation
Im using F3.7 and J3.8
// Adds a Attended button for list

$item = $model->getTable();
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$ids = $app->input->get('ids', array(), 'array');
$db = FabrikWorker::getDbo();
$tr_table = $db->quoteName('course_registrants');
$c_id = $db->quoteName('id');
$claim_approved = $db->quoteName('claim_approved');
$timestamp = $db->quoteName('approved_timestamp');
$date=new DateTime(); //this returns the current date time
$time = $date->format('d/m/Y');

foreach ($ids AS $myid)  
    $row = $model->getRow($myid);
    $complete = $row->course_registrants___complete;
    $comp = explode('"',$complete);
    $compV = $comp[1];
    if ($compV == 1) {
      $db =& JFactory::getDBO();   
      $query = "SELECT cr.teacher_email, cr.team_leader_email, cs.full_course_name
                FROM course_registrants AS cr
                INNER JOIN courses AS cs
                ON cr.course =
                WHERE = $myid
      $result = $db->loadObject();
      $tl_email = $result->team_leader_email;
      $headers = "From: $tl_email";
      $email = $result->teacher_email;
      $subject = "Claim Approved";
      $msg = "Your claim has been approved by your Team Leader for course $result->full_course_name.\n
             Login to to view your claims";
      $q = "UPDATE $tr_table SET $claim_approved = 1, $timestamp = \"$time\" WHERE $c_id = $myid";
You need F3.8 for J!3.8 (but I don't think this is the problem here).

As you can see in the thread you mentioned:
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
Should be
$mydb =JFactory::getDbo();
(and then $mydb->xyz)
Thanks for the quick reply Troester - yes you're right i have j!3.7.5.
I will put in the amendments and revert.
Also instead of just using mail(), which will just use the (very unreliable) built in PHP mail() function, best to use ...

FabrikWorker::sendMail($tl_email, $tl_email, $email, $subject, $msg, true);

You could replace the second arg with the senders name, if you want.

The last arg (true) tells the function to send HTML formatted email, you could change that to false.

By using the sendMail() helper, it'll then go through Joomla's mail API, and you can then set that to use an SMTP relay for reliability.

-- hugh
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