After upgrade to Fabrik 3.10 the template overrides are not working anymore


New Member
I have several overrides example some are in this file /templates/default_template/html/layouts/com_fabrik/listactions/fabrik-view-button.php

They always worked well, but today after upgrade, Fabrik doesn't seem to read anything from the overrides.
Hmm... just tested, and it does work for me in 3.10, so I can't replicate.

Can't think of any reason, so just shooting in the dark:
Any and all caches cleared?
Any errors in console or after setting J!'s error reporting to max?
Not sure whether this is related (and if not I'll dutifully open a new thread) but I have a similar issue. I had some custom css in components/com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl/bootstrap/custom_css.php which has disappeared at the time I upgraded to Fabrik 3.10 and has been replaced with code which is not mine!! Here are the first few lines:
header('Content-type: text/css');
$c = $_REQUEST['c'];
echo "

#listform_$c .fabrikForm {
margin-top: 25px !important;

This is definitely not my code!
Is this code from the Fabrik team to patch 3.10??
@Stevebenson223: Indeed, it's not related to the layouts mentioned by the OP, but yes, it seems that for a brief period there was a version of the Fabrik package out there, which still contained a few custom_css.php and JS files (the latter mentioned in another thread here), then ending up with a few early birds... one of which you seem to be. Yeah, unfortunately they then overwrote existing files, as in your case.

Sh*t happens. Devs are only humans, too. And it has been fixed in the package since.

Best restore your own CSS file from your backup.
Hello all, I sorted this issue by copying Fabrik list template and transfered all the template overrides into it.
In short copied the files into this folder /components/com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl/bootstrap_copied/layouts/

Every attempt in the Joomla template failed completely.
We are in need of some funding.
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