advice requested on approach for creating a row from another row with list plugin


Active Member
my use-case if similar to the use-case for the 'copy' list plugin.

i would like to have a 'create template' selection that copies the selected row in the db but with a few modifications to data elements (like set type = 'template' for example) that indicate that row is a 'template' for creating other rows.

one modification would be to prompt the user for a 'template name' that is also written to the row.

does anyone have an approach for a use-case like this? i could use the php plugin and copy the data, but then i'm unsure how to prompt the user for the template name.

perhaps the js plugin to get the template name, then pass that as a webservice that would update the data.

or perhaps link to another form that would allow the selection of a template or typing a new name and call the php from there to make the update.

i could write a new list plugin for 'create row template' too where you can picks which data to copy and which to change to blank and which to change to 'somestring'.

SECOND, i would like to be able to add a row (like the +add button), but instead of adding starting from a blank form, be able to +add from a template where the template data is loaded as a start for a new record vs. a blank form. for that i am thinking adding the button to the template, but am unsure where to go from there.

Any point-me-in-the-right direction advice is appreciated if anyone out there has implemented a similar use-case.
Wish I could help - but I'm actually looking for something similar (see my thread on pre-populate a repeated group). I need to have a 'template' (not display, but data) that I can use to pre-populate a record some how. Auto fill will work for a non-repeated group, maybe, but not for repeated groups (it might, but I can't figure out how to trigger it).