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Admin menu - create menu item to single list

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Active Member
I want to create a special admin backend for a specific user group. This group should have access to a single fabrik list.
Unfortunately I can select for admin menu items only the type Fabrik 'lists' (which will show all lists).
My idea was to use the URL type and enter as target: index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=list&listid=X. (X is the ID of an existing list)
This is working in the frontend, but obviously not in the backend. I always get the dialog to create a new list...
You mean to the list data (like a frontend access)?


You know that you have to set list access settings (to all your lists) to prevent users calling other lists by just editing the listid? (No matter if frontend or backend or if some menu item is existing at all).
I got it: I used the wrong syntax/paramenters. The correct one: index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=list.view&listid=X
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