ACL/success message


New Member
The success and the ACL messages are not displaying after a form submission.
In my template, I ve got this : "<jdoc:include type="message" />
Is there something to do/to check to display the message ?

Thank you all!
I'm on Joomla 5.
the message works with cassiopea template but not with my handmade template...
I don't know what to ad or to look in my templates

I try this solution but nothing append :
$app = Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication();
$messageSuccess = $app->getMessage('message');
$messageError = $app->getMessage('error');
if (!empty($messageSuccess)) {
    echo '<div id="meser" class="alert alert-success">' . $messageSuccess . '</div>';
if (!empty($messageError)) {
    echo '<div id="meser" class="alert alert-danger">' . $messageError . '</div>';
Have a look how it is done in Cassiopeia. You won't get any system messages if it's not working.
Debug (var_dump, dump...) your variables.
Thanks, I've partially solved the problem, but it still exist
- when i use the redirect plugin after the form submission the data of the message are lost (certainly a conflict with an other component or a plugin but I'm still looking at which one)
- when i disabled the plugin, the message appear !
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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