ACL problem with edit and show from list



I'm using the following list
list all entries.JPG
This list is supposed to show all entries made from all our people. The person using it can edit and delete his own entries but not all the others. Please have a look at the icons on the right.

Since not all of these entries have the same form (different fields), I'm using the custom detail URL and the custom edit URL from the list settings as follows
list link settings.JPG

All this works fine with the data from the logged in person. If I try to access (read only) an entry from another person I get the following error message, for the logged in person it all works fine.
error message.JPG

The translation of the error message is: Error we couldn't find this entry. The custom link works just fine. I copy the link, log in as the user who owns the entry and paste it into the browser and the record opens.

There must be an access rights problem somewhere. I have been searching for hours and can't find it. The Access settings for the list are the following.
Vorstand has rights above registered, the others should be clear. Setting all the rights to public doesn't help.

All the groups in the form have access level "Vorstand"

The elements in the forms should all have the following access settings
element settings.JPG

Could you give me a hint where to look for.

Thank you
If your custom view link is calling an other form (belonging to an other listB) you must check the access settings of listB.
Yes the custom link calls a form of listB. But listB is connected to the same database table as listA.
Set the access rights of listB to public. Still the same problem...
Which link is generated exactly? does it contain the correct row id at all?

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You have an menu prefilter set (on public, ie. all) with Joomla_user = $my->id.
So any user can only see his own records (list, form and details view) if you are displaying a list with this menu itemid
You are correct that's it. I fooled myself.

Is there another way to do that? I have 5 lists (lists 1 through 5) that all have the same database table linked. Most of the elements are the the same, but some change. That's why I copied the lists, the forms, the groups and the elements and then made the adjustments. The user is presented a menu item where he sees only his entries, one for each list (lists 1 through 5)

I then added an additional list (let's call it listA) where he can see a summary of all his entries (just showing the fields that are equal between all). There he has the possibility to edit or see the entries with the buttons. Since the lists and the forms don't all have the same elements I had to do the custom edit and detail urls, so the user accesses lists 1 through 5 out of listA. For a user to see his own entries there is no problem.

Then there is another list/form (a copy of listA, let's call it listB). This one is for our finance guy to have an overview of all the entries of all people, so he can work on all of them. This is where my problem is. He sees all entries, since for list B there is no menu pre filter, but there is a menu pre filter for the custom URL's. This causes the problem.

What is the easiest way of fixing that? Creating a hidden menu item for lists1 through 5 without a pre filter? Like this one user who finds out this hidden menu will be able to see the entries of someone else. Is there something better?

Thank you
If your menu items are all using different lists it's better to add the prefilters directly to the lists, not to the menu items.

You can expand the prefilter(s) for your finance guy.
You need a Joomla group where he belongs to (e.g. finanzen-g), an access level for this group (finanzen), then you can add to the prefilter
OR id >=0 apply to finanzen (so all records are added).
I tried to set the prefilters, unfortunately the OR condition is always used. In the Fabrikar Wiki Prefilters the screenshot shows a picture where it was possible to set the grouping of the conditions. Unfortunately in the 3.4.2 version this condition is no longer there. Is there a special order to be followed?
menu settings.JPG
The first two conditions have to be obeyed all the time.
In the menu item prefilter there's no grouping.

If it's possible, use the prefilter in list settings and remove it the menu item.
Otherwise you'll need extra menus for the finance guy.
If you have an extra list for every menu list item anyway use the list prefilter (there are some other reasons why list prefilter are recommended).
Using the list prefilters and playing around with the AND/OR groups did the trick.

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We are in need of some funding.
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Thank you.

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