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  1. W

    Notice: Undefined variable: row

    I am trying to change the font color of a calc field based on value. I am using code I found in this thread -> . I am getting the following errors Notice: Undefined variable: row in...
  2. W

    Is this possible with Fabrik?

    I have a list, Household, that has 2 joins, Person and Visit. Is it possible to only display visits that have occurred in the last 60 days? I tried to use a pre filter on Household, but if a Household has no visits they don't get displayed at all.
  3. W

    Data-Where Help

    I need to filter a dbjoin dropdown list. I have 3 tables (Household, Person, Visit) with Visit and Person both having a FK to Household. I have a databasejoin dropdown Element, in Visit, that links to the ID for Person. I want to filter it for the Household the person belongs to. Currently...
  4. W

    Custom link problem

    I have 2 tables/lists, Household and Person with FK on People. I want to link the "Name" element in the people table to the details view for the Person(not the edit form). I tried adding index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=details&formid=2&rowid={tri_person___id} This is the link that I get in...
  5. W

    Custom Template- echo multiple variables

    When I use the code <div class=span7><address><?php echo $address1.$address2,$city,$state,$zip;?></address></div> it returns <div class=span7><address><div id="tri_address___address_ro">123 Somestreet</div><div id="tri_address___address2_ro">Apt. 4</div><div...
  6. W

    What is the best way to approach this?

    I am using MijoShop with Joomla 3. Basically, I want to take quantity of items order, address, and customer name and enter that info into a Fabrik created list. I want a solution that will not cause problems with MijoShop updating. Should I just learn how to create MijoShop (OpenCart)...
  7. W

    Joomla Day

    First of all, Hello! I have enjoyed Fabrik since I discovered it a month or so ago. I haven't posted because I really haven't had any questions that were not already covered by the forum, tutorials, or the wiki. You guys have built an amazing plugin that I wish I would have discovered sooner...
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