This is a stop gap measure for the PPE scarcity and we really want to drop this model for others to use freely in their regions as soon as possible... We were able to use facebook to call out for support and had 700 sewers sign up just in our region. I never realized there were so many sewers in one region.
We have coined the phrase Social Distancing by Distributive Processing. is the site... Facebook
I wonder if I could obtain an "In Kind" donation of professional support for a period of time to get this to be an effective application for our Model.
We have documented this start up and I am using Joomla and Fabrik to gather all the information necessary to run the supply chain flow and tracking. We now have other regions expressing an interest in setting up what we have done in 14 days. I would like to be able to zip up our site installation and plop it down any any region where they could utilize our approach.
Hi mediaateam, please let me know, how I can get professional support, when Hugh is not available. Even my 'recruit an expert' request is not answered. But for professional ticket support, I am expecting an answer and also a clear price structure.
Would be great, if you can response in forums:
Hi, I would like to know if there is any progress in the development of plugin cron gcalsync to take advantage of the api of google calendar instead of zend. I've contacted you because, cheesegrits public some time ago that I would consult with you the cost of the project and I would like to know when it would cost to develop that plugin to synchronize fullcalendar with google calendar.