YesNo element breaks multipage form since 3.9(I think)


Hi, I'm running J3.9.3 and Fabrik 3.9 updated from Github #2171 04/03/19

I just noticed that one of my forms wont get to the 3rd page unless I disabled the YesNo element which is on the last page of 5. Page 1 and 2 do not pagebreak. The YesNo element activates js for showing another element but even with that disabled, the plugin breaks prev next and submit behaviour.

I've tried to add site info but I get this:
No sites set up yet, or you do not have permission to view this content.
and see nowhere to edit, is that for paid support only?

The markup produced looks like this:
<div class="fabrikElement">
    <div class="fabrikSubElementContainer" id="frduq_s4n_diagnostics___participate">
<fieldset class="radio btn-radio btn-group" data-toggle="buttons" style="padding-top:0px!important">
<label for="frduq_s4n_diagnostics___participate_input_0" class="fabrikgrid_0  btn-default">
    <input type="radio" class="fabrikinput "  name="frduq_s4n_diagnostics___participate[]" id="frduq_s4n_diagnostics___participate_input_0" value="0"  checked="checked" /><span>No</span></label>

<label for="frduq_s4n_diagnostics___participate_input_1" class="fabrikgrid_1  btn-default">
    <input type="radio" class="fabrikinput "  name="frduq_s4n_diagnostics___participate[]" id="frduq_s4n_diagnostics___participate_input_1" value="1"  /><span>Yes</span></label>

I see the </div> before </fieldset> seems to break structure also the checked="checked" doesn't seem to be liked by my browser inspector, is it not just 'checked' as its own attribute?

I've looked for this stuff in the YesNo plugin but can't seem to find this markup at all. Does it draw from the radio plugin and if so, is this affected by the recent change made there?

I've seen issue [#50034]. I'm not using Helix, using Gantry but did all my tests on Protostar. I have started to create my own nucleus template for Fabrik but made sure form was pulling standard BS3 template while investigating issue.

By the way not being able to create new tags in these posts and not being able to see what tags are available during posts seems counter intuitive and user unfriendly.
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That's definitely wrong, there shouldn't be any divs inside the fieldset.

It uses the fabrik-bootstrap-grid layout:


... so make sure you aren't overriding that in a template, or if you are, make sure it is up to date with the alt layouts.

-- hugh
Hey Hugh,
Not overriding that.
That closing </div> also not coming with any remarks so it's not coming from fabrik-bootstrap-grid.php

As I said, I've set to bootstrap standard for form and still get issue YesNo plugin that breaks multipage.

What I don't know is if it is this markup issue that is causing the break.
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Are you absolutely sure you aren't overriding it? That's definitely the layout it uses.

Maybe check the yesno layout itself ...


... make sure there isn't some legacy in there. It should just output $d->rendered.

Then check and make sure you don't have a set of layout overrides in ...

templates/<your template>/html/layouts/com_fabrik

The only other thing I can think of is that there is some JS that is messing with the DOM.

-- hugh
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