Total number of records in list.


In my list, I have several dozen members and despite having changed the number from 10 to 40 records at the bottom of the list, I cannot display the actual number of records. It remains at 10 by default and you have to navigate through the pages each time.
Can you help me.
Thanks everyone.

Select the element that you want to display the quantity. then click on LIST SETTINGS AND DISPLAY. Locate the CALCULATION tab. choose whether you want Sum, Count, Average or Custom Calculation. ACTIVATE one of the options you will see in your LIST below.
You can change the number of rows displayed in one page of the list in Fabrik list menu item. In menu item settings "Fabrik List Options" tab change "Rows per page" to your liking. This overrides the same setting in list options when the list is opened via menu item.
I cannot find where to make this adjustment
This is fine in the listed item, but I can't find this setting.