Switch list to rows and add new elements in front end


New Member
Hi there,
new here and new also to Fabrik, so sorry for the (probably) noob questions.

I'm trying to use Fabrik in a local installation, to understand if I'm able to use it or not and if it fits my needs.
I already saw the video tutorials and read other thread in this forum, with those helps I did a lot but I can't find solution to these two "problems".

1) When creating and publishing a new list, it shows in this way:

element A - element B - element C
A data1 B data1 C data1
A data2 B data2 C data2

so the list shows data in columns.
I wonder if it's possible to switch them, so to show data in rows:

element A A data1 A data2
element B B data1 B data2
element C C data1 C data2

In pratice I need the label in the first column, and put data in the other columns.
I tried modifyng default.php in \components\com_fabrik\views\list\tmpl\vertical, but I wasn't able to do it.
I'm using Joomla 3.5 with default Protostar template.

2) Is it possible, in front end, to add new elements?
I mean, in the above example, the possibility to add a second "element B" from front end (with different data), so the list should be:

element A A data1
element B B data1
element B B data2
element C C data1

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