(solved) re-link copied element


Active Member

When i copy a List, this create copy of Form,Group,Elements.

then if i edit and element this askme if i want to unlink it or something like that, that way i can made changes to the copy element whitout change the original element settings,

my question is can i re-link the copied element after i unliked ?

thanks for any advise.
No, otherwise your changes to the copied element would be gone and the whole unlinking would lose it's purpose.

It's not possible to re-link even if you don't mind losing the changes or have unlinked accidentally.

It could be done probably hacking the database, but this could lead to unexpected result if you don't know 100% what you're doing.

So either you have to live with the unlinked elements or create a new copy of the list.
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No, otherwise your changes to the copied element would be gone and the whole unlinking would lose it's purpose.

It's not possible to re-link even if you don't mind losing the changes or have unlinked accidentally.

It could be done probably hacking the database, but this could lead to unexpected result if you don't know 100% what you're doing.

So either you have to live with the unlinked elements or create a new copy of the list.

Thanks for the reply now i know!!!