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[SOLVED] Placeholder in data - where for database join element is not working


Caaan do!
I have a calc element that generates an or clause in my form. It runs the calc on the page load.
// Get a list of the member's jomsocial group ids
$db = JFactory:: getDbo();
$db->setQuery('SELECT groupid FROM #__community_groups_members WHERE memberid = {$my->id}');
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
// Get a list of group leader ids
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    $db->setQuery('SELECT ownerid FROM #__community_groups WHERE id = '.$row->groupid);
    $leaders = $db->loadObjectList();
    foreach ($leaders as $leader) {
        $groupleaders[] = $leader->ownerid;
// remove duplicate group leader ids
$scrubLeaders = array_unique($groupleaders);
// Get list of groups belonging to the member's group leader
foreach ($scrubLeaders as $gl) {
    $db->setQuery('SELECT id FROM #__community_groups WHERE ownerid = '.$gl);
    $accessableGroups = $db->loadObjectList();
    // load accessible groups into array
    foreach ($accessableGroups as $ag) {
        $groups[] = (int)$ag->id;
foreach ($groups as $group) {
    $orClause[] = ' OR cm1.groupid = '. $group;
$final = implode('', $orClause);
return $final;
I see it returning the result successfully on the form. Yay!
OR cm1.groupid = 35 OR cm1.groupid = 36 OR cm1.groupid = 38
I'm trying to put that result in the data - where statement for a dropdown element. Here is the Joins where and/or order by statement (SQL)
WHERE {thistable}.id IN
SELECT cm1.memberid FROM jomla_community_groups_members cm1 WHERE cm1.groupid = 99999999999 {lead_swap___groups_or_clause_raw}
AND {thistable}.id <>{$my->id}
AND {thistable}.block = '0'
But here is what I'm getting with the fabrik debugger
SELECT DISTINCT(`jomla_users`.`email`) AS value, `name` AS text
FROM `jomla_users` AS `jomla_users`
WHERE  `jomla_users`.id IN
SELECT cm1.memberid FROM jomla_community_groups_members cm1 WHERE cm1.groupid = 99999999999
AND `jomla_users`.id <>2643
AND `jomla_users`.block = '0' AND 7 = -7
It's not taking the placeholder and the dropdown isn't loading anything.

I've played a little bit with the ajax option, and tried some of the tips you mentioned on the wiki, but I'm not sure if I am understanding or doing it correctly.

Any thoughts?
Thanks for the response. That returns an error

   [0] => stdClass Object
           [id] => 37
           [list_id] => 0
           [element_id] => 140
           [join_from_table] => lead_swap
           [table_join] => jomla_users
           [table_key] => recipient
           [table_join_key] => email
           [join_type] => left
           [group_id] => 12
           [params] => {"join-label":"name","type":"element","pk":"`jomla_users`.`id`"}
           [canUse] => 1
           [table_join_alias] => jomla_users
           [keytable] => lead_swap


   [fabrikdebug] => 1
   [Itemid] => 230
   [option] => com_fabrik
   [view] => form
   [formid] => 12
   [ark_inine_enabled] => 1
   [arkoption] => com_fabrik

1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''' ) AND `#__users`.id <>2643 AND `#__users`.block = '0' AND 7 = -7 ORD' at line 5
Update! Still not working

Per the documentation, I've added this to the djoin elements javescript:
function loadDBList(el) {
    var usedID = jQuery('#lead_swap___groups_or_clause' );

It looks like it's doing what it's supposed to as I see a brief loading animation on the database join element, but it still doesn't load what's in the placeholder.
UPDATE! Progress.

It seems to be working when rendered as a dropdown, radio list, checkbox, or multiselect dropdown. But I need it to work with Autocomplete and it isn't.

Something I feel is worth noting is that even though it is returning results, the or statements are still not shown in the fabrik debugger. Presumably, because it loads first?
Did you try to use a field instead of a calc and set the field via a php form plugin "onLoad"?
I've now tried both calc and field and can report that using either method doesn't work with Autocomplete. It only returns options when rendered as a dropdown, radio list, checkbox, or multiselect dropdown.

See attached. Note that for the databasejoin element, in the javascript onload, I've tried pointing to both the calc and the field, same goes for the data-where section of the element. The attached screencaps only show one so as to not be redundant.


  • calc-method.jpg
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  • data-where.jpg
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  • field-method.jpg
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  • front-end.jpg
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  • on-load.jpg
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For comparison on the front end, here it is return results with the dropdown, but not for autocomplete


  • Autocomplete.jpg
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  • dropdown.jpg
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This needs a lot of time to get into, but just a thought, why aren't you using an advanced (chosen) dropdown? It has basically the same behavior (imho much better) and I personally haven't faced a lot of cases where autocomplete would be preferred over advanced dropdown.
I was referring to a form php plugin, running "onLoad" (not any JS)
JS doing calc and doing autocomplete may have issues and/or running not in the order you are expecting.
Forgive my ignorance here. Okay, I'm using the FORM PHP plugin for onLoad.
Here's my stupid guess at what I think it wants:
But all this is doing is putting
In the field placeholder. See attached.
This needs a lot of time to get into, but just a thought, why aren't you using an advanced (chosen) dropdown? It has basically the same behavior (imho much better) and I personally haven't faced a lot of cases where autocomplete would be preferred over advanced dropdown.
We actually have a very strong use case for autocomplete in this instance. The people using the forms are members of networking groups. They pass business referrals to one another. Sometimes they need to pass a referral, but they may not remember the name or the profession of the person they want to refer. Autocomplete allows them to fill out partial data and see what comes up.


  • probably-wrong.jpg
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  • string-loaded.jpg
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Autocomplete allows them to fill out partial data and see what comes up
Advanced dropdown does the same (and even quicker).
No, do your calc code here:
$db ...
$formModel->data['lead_swap___newor'] = $final;
$formModel->data['lead_swap___newor_raw'] = $final;

It's worth a try if you don't want to use the advanced dropdown.
Advanced dropdown does the same (and even quicker).
No, do your calc code here:
$db ...
$formModel->data['lead_swap___newor'] = $final;
$formModel->data['lead_swap___newor_raw'] = $final;

It's worth a try if you don't want to use the advanced dropdown.
It still doesn't present the options with autocomplete, but it DOES now show the or clause in the fabric debugger.
Advanced dropdown does the same (and even quicker).
The advanced dropdown... I'm assuming you're referring to the advanced tab on the database join element? I'm gonna play with this.
The advanced dropdown... I'm assuming you're referring to the advanced tab on the database join element? I'm gonna play with this.
It's Layout -> Enhanced dropdown.

And you can add {"search_contains":true} into Fabrik's global options -> Forms -> Enhanced Dropdowns options" field to search the options also from the middle of the string.

Try it and I'm quite sure you'll prefer this to autocomplete.

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