SOLVED - Element + Validation = label disappears (style display: none) after mouseover

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I have a weird issue:

I am running Joomla 3.1.5 - fabrik 3.1 github from 06 nov 2013.

I have added some validation plugin to certain elements for instance I check if the email is not empty.

Today if an ajax validation fail, the element label disappear but the Error message is not displayed properly.

This is weird as the code seems to be there when I inspect the element in Firefox but it is not displayed on the page.

<div class="row-fluid">
    <div class="control-group fabrikElementContainer plg-field fb_el_fac_contact_us_form___email email email_8 fabrikDataEmpty span12 fabrikError error">
        <label class="fabrikLabel control-label fabrikTip" opts="{"formTip":true,"position":"top-left","trigger":"hover","notice":true,"heading":"Validation"}" for="fac_contact_us_form___email" data-original-title="" title="" style="display: none;" error="<span> your eMail does not seem to be a valid email address.</span>" data-content="<ul class="validation-notices" style="list-style:none"><li><i class="icon-envelope isemail"></i> This field is required, and must be a valid email address</li><li class="error"><i class="icon-warning"></i><span> your eMail does not seem to be a valid email address.</span></li></ul>">
            <i class="icon-envelope small "></i>
        <div class="controls">
            <div class="fabrikElement">
                <input id="fac_contact_us_form___email" class="input-medium fabrikinput inputbox text" type="email" value="" maxlength="250" size="10" name="fac_contact_us_form___email"></input>
            end fabrikElement
            <div class="fabrikErrorMessage" style="opacity: 1;"></div>
            end element error
          end controls
    end control-group
end row-fluid

the form is visible here:

Any idea on what can cause this and how I could fix it?

More tests and it appear that after I hover on the label of the element in the form then the parameter "style="display:none" is added to the html code, hence the label disappear.

Why it does that and how to correct it beats my limited knowledge...
More on this the problem only happens on elements with validation plugins, if I remove the validation, the problem disappear...
Are you using a template based on T3 or similar framework?

Essentially any framework which replaces the J3.1.5 version of bootstrap (which has been modified to change some defaults) with the bog standard bootstrap will have this effect.

I found this several months ago with T3 and raised a fix for it. There are also several discussions in this forum about it.
Hi Sophist,

Yep I am indeed using a T3 framework! This seems to be where I need to look for solving this.

I'll investigate and will update the post once I found a solution.

If you look in the PRs for the T3 github repo you will find my proposed solution and you can apply it to your own T3 install as a patch - but this is not very satisfactory since it will be overwritten when you upgrade T3.

You can also apply the script patch (see the T3 discussion board about this issue) and see if that fixes it.

(Note: Personally, I see T3 as rather buggy and heading towards greater Joomla incompatibility with BS3 - so I am thinking of using something different.)
I have read your post on the T3 forum and I am also very surprised that there was no actions from them on the fix you submitted.

(question in relation to your note: I like the flexibility that T3 provides but I am eager to hear about any alternative that you might recommend BTW...)

Just to keep you guys updated on this: the guys from joomlart have fixed this issue in the T3 framework as of T3v3 version 1.4.3 so tooltips behave has expected now.
actually I was too fast... Still working on this, will keep you guys in the loop when there is a confirmed solution...
Sorry for the false hope :(
But I'm not giving up...:D
I am going to give up on T3 - they are far too focussed on BS (and now BS3) and are not interested in maintaining compatibility with Joomla (much less Fabrik).
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