Solved: Add a new element, but it is not appearing in PHPMyAdmin

Sometimes you have to refresh phpmyadmin to see the changes. Reloading the page should be help.

Thanks. I did that few times. I even closed my PHPMyAdmin and opened it again, and still could not see it.

I also found out that when I removed an element from Fabrik, it still remains in MyPHPAdnin till I drop it.

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OK. In this case I think that you are not connected to the database that you think you are. Have you moved your site lately?
In any case, check the "connection" data in Fabrik and see that the database connected is the same you look at in phpMyAdmin. If not, be careful before you change anything: what it means is that, since you somehow changed database, all your changes have been made to the "old" db. If you switch now to the new one, you will loose all these changes.
Additionally to @jfquestiaux 's remarks:

when I removed an element from Fabrik,
What do you mean with "remove".
If you "trash" it's just marked as trashed, you'll find it with Status =Trashed.
Only if you empty trash you'll be asked if you want to drop the table colunm (which you should not do if your database table is used by other Fabrik lists or other components etc.).
Thanks everyone. I think because I changed the database user password, the connection went funny. All is good now.
Hmm, that should have caused Fabrik to throw errors about not being able to connect, if you didn't also change the password in the Fabrik connection(s).

-- hugh
Hmm, that should have caused Fabrik to throw errors about not being able to connect, if you didn't also change the password in the Fabrik connection(s).

-- hugh
Since the data was in tact I was more relieved. Mind you, I only said that maybe I changed the password because when I checked the connection, there was the error that suggested to check the password.

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