Since update to 3.0.7 Search all brings an error



i updated today to the 3.0.7 and now the search all function does not work anymore in all of my lists! it semms that the problem is a databasejoin element. Before updating the search all function worked fine!
Here the error i get when i do the search all:
getData:Unknown column 'toerns_repeat_revier.revier' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `toerns`.`tage` AS `toerns___tage`, `toerns`.`tage` AS `toerns___tage_raw`, `toerns`.`von` AS `toerns___von`, `toerns`.`von` AS `toerns___von_raw`, `toerns`.`bis` AS `toerns___bis`, `toerns`.`bis` AS `toerns___bis_raw`, `toerns`.`yacht` AS `toerns___yacht_raw`, `yacht`.`text` AS `toerns___yacht`, `toerns`.`typ` AS `toerns___typ_raw`, `toerntyp`.`text` AS `toerns___typ`, `toerns`.`seemeilen` AS `toerns___seemeilen`, `toerns`.`seemeilen` AS `toerns___seemeilen_raw`, `toerns`.`code` AS `toerns___code`, `toerns`.`code` AS `toerns___code_raw`, `toerns`.`preis` AS `toerns___preis`, `toerns`.`preis` AS `toerns___preis_raw`, `toerns`.`angebot` AS `toerns___angebot`, `toerns`.`angebot` AS `toerns___angebot_raw`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(reviere.revier SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM toerns_repeat_revier LEFT JOIN reviere ON reviere.revier = toerns_repeat_revier.revier WHERE toerns_repeat_revier.parent_id = `toerns`.`code`) AS toerns_repeat_revier___revier, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM toerns_repeat_revier WHERE parent_id = `toerns`.`code`) AS `toerns_repeat_revier___revier_raw`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(revier SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM toerns_repeat_revier WHERE toerns_repeat_revier.parent_id = `toerns`.`code`) AS toerns_repeat_revier___revier_id, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(params SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM toerns_repeat_revier WHERE parent_id = `toerns`.`code`) AS `toerns_repeat_revier___params`, `toerns`.`special` AS `toerns___special`, `toerns`.`special` AS `toerns___special_raw`, `toerns`.`code` AS slug , `toerns`.`code` AS `__pk_val` FROM `toerns` LEFT JOIN `toerntyp` AS `toerntyp` ON `toerntyp`.`typ` = `toerns`.`typ` LEFT JOIN `yacht` AS `yacht` ON `yacht`.`yacht` = `toerns`.`yacht` WHERE ( ( toerns.von >= (NOW()) ) ) AND ( ( LOWER(`toerns`.`von`) REGEXP LOWER('test') OR LOWER(`toerns`.`bis`) REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `yacht`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('elba') OR `toerntyp`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('elba') OR LOWER(`toerns`.`code`) REGEXP LOWER('test') OR LOWER(`toerns`.`preis`) REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `toerns_repeat_revier`.`revier` REGEXP LOWER('elba') OR LOWER(`toerns`.`special`) REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `yacht`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('elba') OR `toerntyp`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('elba') OR `toerns_repeat_revier`.`revier` REGEXP LOWER('elba') OR `yacht`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('elba') OR `toerntyp`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('elba') OR `toerns_repeat_revier`.`revier` REGEXP LOWER('elba') OR `yacht`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `toerntyp`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `toerns_repeat_revier`.`revier` REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `yacht`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `toerntyp`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `toerns_repeat_revier`.`revier` REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `yacht`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `toerntyp`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `toerns_repeat_revier`.`revier` REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `yacht`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `toerntyp`.`text` REGEXP LOWER('test') OR `toerns_repeat_revier`.`revier` REGEXP LOWER('test')) ) ORDER BY `toerns`.`von` ASC LIMIT 0, 50
I get the error on a white blank page!

Please help!
Thanks a lot!

Best regards,
hi is your database join element set to render as a checkbox or multi-select list?
If so then I just commit a fix in github which should fix this error for you

Thanks! The github update solved the problem with the error! But ther is another problem with the search! The list seems to remember everything entered in the search all field. Example i search for test1 and i get all results for test1. Now i search for test2 and get all results for test1 and test2. Only when i click the button reset filters all old searchwords will be deleted...

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