should I use User or view level to manage access to a list/ form

Dear Sir,
Please advice me in following two questions with thanks. I am a newbie in php but have been using fabrik for a while with slow self lerning curve.
1. How to make a search/filter form to not disappear after submitting:
I have a user table user(id, user, ward_id) and wards(id, name, district_id), districts(id,name,province_id) and province(id,name)
I would like to the list of user table can be filtered using province/ district/ ward combo boxes. This can be done using a two left_joins from user ->wards->districts
However, while revising user data, this join will run an update query on ward, district despite of the fact that I set ward_id to not store in db. This would normally cause addition of a blank recored on wards table.
To avoid this, I make a search form with province (dbjon), district, ward(cascading dropdown) and link to the user list with redirect.
However, after submitting the search form dissapear. I would like you to advice me how to fix the problem and how to make the search form to stay like applying filter as in joining table cases

2. whether to user User or view level to manage access to a list/ form
I have posted this question under this thread
please advice me on this:

I have a table named product(id, name, description,user_id).
Requirements: I would like the list to view all records of that user created with edit/deleting allowed. this can be done with setting the pre-filter to {$my->id} and edit/add/ view right to registered user. However, I would like a user with higher right can view/ edit all records that other users of lower right created and submited as this business is belong to a workflow and the higher right user may approve/ cancel the request of this user

3.How to create a message on status of a record to the user in a working process.
I have a table product(id, name, approve, user_id), I would like to be advised on how to make notice with link to an user(authority) of higher level for approval after an user(community) creating a new product. so the scenario is: when user authority logged in he received a list with all pending approval request from user community, and upon approval of authority, community will be noticed upon logging on.

Please show me how to fulfill these tasks with thanks
Thank you very much for tour attention.
Dang Dinh Ngoc
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I would like a user with higher right can view/ edit all records
Add (OR) one more prefilter condition which is always true (e.g. id >0) and "Apply to" the appropriate access level.

Status message:
You can add a email form plugin for mailing form submissions to the admin and approval to the user.
You can add a php form plugin or the log form plugin to add messages to a log table/list and display this list upon log in.
You can show your product table ordered by approve to the admin so he will see the unapproved record on the top.
many thanks to Troester for your quick supports
What about the solutions for the 1 question. In fact - this is a problem for me as user will create quite many blank record in ward table ( left join table).
The 1 (view level) is a very smart guide. Work very well
However, the status message was a bit difficult for me. I will try to figure out how to do with it. I have no experience in php. I am thinking about making a store procedure and trigger to deal with this case!
Be sorry for this
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You can combine a form + a list via Fabrik content plugin in a Joomla article.
Thanks Troester,
I used Form notification plugin instead with trigger, also install cron notification plug-in. shown here
I have sent test mail and joomlar worked.
I have also set trigger=1 for the plugin to work to notify registered user when special user (higher right) set status to approved = 1
But I dont see the mail sent to user.
Please share a hand with me. I dobe cron notification does not work and I dont know how to debug it.
Hi Troester,
I have successfully install the form notification plugin with cron notification plug in!
However, I have 02 question!
1. Upon approval of designated user to a registered status (i.e changing from 0 to 1 for approved), the trigger was set at 1 and the mode for recording update is set by trigger.
However, the notification was not sent until I create a schedule task for the list(to be set with form notification plugin ) to send out notification.
So please keep me be guided with how to set this ,thing up correctly. Do I need to creat a schedule task for this?
If if this is a case, I would recommend this wiki page to be modified: as it would not tell newbie like me to go from a-z to make thing work

I am sorry for putting too many questions - as I am making a application for farmers to start their agriculture business with tracibility of their products via this web app.
THe application is almost finish with some few more case those are not very clear for me to go (I am a new bie)
THank you very much for your helps and attention.
Dang DInh Ngoc
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