Responsive Lists & Forms


I am using a template which is responsive for everything but the Fabrik Lists & Forms which are not responsive at all. The developer of the template has looked at this and cannot work out why the Fabrik elements are not responsive. Can anyone help with this?
which is responsive for everything...
...created by your template.

A Joomla template that supports the Joomla bootstrap framework (BS2 in Feb 2018)
The bootstrap template coming with Joomla is "Protostar". You can use Joomla's Beez3 template if you add com_fabrik to the "Components Requiring Bootstrap" in Beez3 "Advanced" tab.

If you want to use a BS3 or uikit template try
See also

If you have a non-bootstrap Joomla template you may try an extentions loading the bootstrap, e.g. (not tested)
Well I have tried both Protostar and Beez3 as you suggested but neither are responsive for me for Fabrik Forms or Lists, and they are using the bootstrap template. I really like Fabrik and am very impressed with it - it just seems to fall down in this area, so anything that can be done to rectify this in future releases will, I am sure, be appreciated by everyone who uses it.
What is "not responsive" in form and details views? Did you select "responsive" CSS classes in element settings?

The Bootstrap list template uses a HTML table for data display which is "not responsive" per se (a table is a table). You can use the "Responsive CSS" in list settings to adapt the columns to show or you can use the div template.

In any case you can create your own Fabrik templates.
Thank you very much for your input I have managed to find a way around this by using the div template. Sometimes to solve these problems it is knowing where to look, because there are just so many options available in Fabrik.

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