Radius Search List Plugin for Joomla 3.1?

hmmm seems like the plugin install didnt happen properly for the fabrik side of things. Joomla installed it, fabrik didn't and so fabrik doesnt recognize it... x.x
OK I Have this finally working!

So in github theres two files: fabrik-master and joomla3. If you have Joomla 3.x, Even though you are looking at the Github fabrik files that are labeled "for joomla 2.5 and joomla 3.1, you get Fabrik-Master file when you click the download zip button, which is not for Joomla 3.1. You have to get the joomla3 file. I am not familiar on how to navigate github very well since I am new, but the Fabrik wiki lists this link to the joomla3 file: https://github.com/Fabrik/fabrik/archive/joomla3.zip.

After getting the file, instead of uploading the entire package to your FTP, just upload the contents by major folders, like for my case, i needed the new list plugins, so I put the new items in the plugin/fabrik-lists folder. then Click discover, (they now appear, whereas they didnt before), install, and enable.

Now, these plugins at least show when I try to select list plugin options.

So, I go forth and see if these plugins will operate properly : )
I'd advise against "cherry picking" files and folders from a github ZIP, as you will often end up with conflicts. For instance, changes in list plugin may rely on changes made in the core files.

When you update from a github ZIP, ALWAYS upload EVERYTHING.

-- hugh
I'd advise against "cherry picking" files and folders from a github ZIP, as you will often end up with conflicts. For instance, changes in list plugin may rely on changes made in the core files.

When you update from a github ZIP, ALWAYS upload EVERYTHING.

-- hugh
Are you guys getting close with this yet? And not sure, but I'll tell you'all later..in the meantime? When can I expect it to work in >> Fabrik 3.1rc2 is now out for Joomla 3.2. http://fabrikar.com/blog/84-fabrik-3-1rc2-out

[`Just_Kidding'] Somewhat, but I'm on the verge of release and keep scripting to think I could adapt into this, but with Bell's and Whistle's not 'inSync' all the time? [PLEASE, correct me if I am in correct]

But this, I chuckled with since last time I have been here {sorry Hugh} =

When you update from a github ZIP, ALWAYS upload EVERYTHING'

#start code now

IF > YouHaveToPayForMeteredBandWidthUsage THEN ForgetAnthingForNowHear = "BigSmile"
