Question about lists


Hello peeps,

I have a question. Is it possible to show in a list data from more than one form? and if possible, how to do it? thanks!
Yes it's possible and this is why FB is so strong, lists are just representation of datas,
presentation from any tables and base on datas you want.
You looking for having mix data from other Lists/Tables : This is done by a List / Data / Joins configuration.

After done this sorte of configuration, FB create for you the relation between this datas (from more than one table, list) by creating new groups (Elements from data you want to attach to the list) add directly into the Master Form.

And of course you could fine How this new datas are show into the list.

Don't be afraid and go look at :
First Fabrik Core informations and Strategies design could give you some knowledge ... And for sure ask into this forum is a great base for Fabriking ;)
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