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Problem with validations after upgrade to Joomla 3.1.0

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Well-Known Member
I was probably a little too quick to update to he new Joomla version this morning and now that I did I have the following problems:

  1. I have a PHP validation that stopped working (validation fails everytime). No matter what I entr as PHP (even a simple "return 3 == 4;"), I get the following error: Fatal error: Call to a member function getJForm() on a non-object in /home/livingjfq/public_html/j3/administrator/components/com_fabrik/models/plugin.php on line 40
  2. On the same form (I am working on this one so I have not tested others), the other validations seems to work (not empty, isemail), but if I open and save an element with a validation (even with no changes in the validation tab), I get this warning : Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/livingjfq/public_html/j3/components/com_fabrik/models/element.php on line 2441 and the validation stopped working
I think there might be problem with visualization too : 500 - COM_FABRIK_ERR_NO_ELEMENTS_MATCHED_FILTER
just for anyone reading the thread, the issue was that we had not supplied our JForm override files for Joomla 3.1, adding those seems to have resolved the issue.
So far, after further testing, all seems to work with Fabrik (there are some Joomla bugs however!). I just had to delete and reinstall some validations plugins though because they got somehow corrupted.
You can see that because you have only the first letter of the name in the list of plugins: i.e. "i" for "isnot" or "p" for "php".

My advice is to wait a little before upgrading to J! 3.1. I wish I'd waited.
Just FYI, I've submitted a pull request for our mods to jForm/jField that require us to override those classes, so hopefully at some point that'll get folded in to the J! release.

-- hugh
Also for information, I had a problem with a JUserHelper function in a PHP form plugin: I was using
JUserHelper::setGroups($user->get( 'id' ), array(16,2) );
to set user in the appropriate group after submitting a form.
This stopped working after the 3.1 upgrade. Actually the groups wet set correctly but just after that this gave a Fatal Error (in a Joomla file).

I have to use now
JUserHelper::addUserToGroup($user->get( 'id' ), 16 );
for it to work.
Well actually the first code was not working because there is a typo in a Joomla file. If you correct it, this works again.
Do you have a source I can read where they announced a change in the behavior?
Not really. I usually just go to the joomla CMS github page, and look for the change history on a given file.

-- hugh
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