• Joomla 5.1

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problem databasejoin plugin fabrik Joomla3


Hi !

sice i have updated joomla 2.5 to joomla 3 with upodated fabrik 2x to farbrik 2.3 & 3X i have this error message :

error 404 : Fabrik has generated an incorrect query for the list mylist:
Column 'Currency' in field list is ambiguous SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT etc...

it was perfect before the updating...

I had tha same type of error when in my elements, the plugin "databasejoin" was not linked correctly..
so i went to check the elements and when i open the databaseplugin, nothing appear in the fields...
joomla is looking for a table many hours without find anything....

have you got an issue?

best regards


  • fabrik database problem.png
    fabrik database problem.png
    4.8 KB · Views: 289
I assume you've updated Joomla2.5+ and Fabrik3.0+ to Joomla3+ and Fabrik3.3+ (Fabrik2 was running on Joomla1.5).

This update is a migration http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/migrating-fabrik3-0-9-to-fabrik3-1-j-3-4/
So which exact versions are you running after the update?

For the "searching table issue" make sure
to clear Joomla and browser cache
to open and resave your Fabrik connection
to have a recent version of your WYSIWYG editor

"Ambigious field" usually is coming if you are doing something with your dbjoin (concat label, Data-where) and you don't use {thisname} as table name placeholder.
Thank you for your speed answer...

the joomla version is 3.4.4
the fabrik version is 3.3.3 with a last guithub update this morning..

i never been in my phpmyadmin to change anything... i clear the cache and test it on chrome and firefox with the same result i sent you...
i closed all, with deconnection, re-connect me and it is the same.....
I didn't say anything about phpmyadmin and about logging out.
Fabrik connection is storing the database connection parameters. Open, check all parameters, re-save.
oh...ok sorry ... so i have checked the password, the database name, tested the connexion and it is ok... but the plugin databasejoin did't change... the problem is still here...
Check with a browser dev tool for JS errors.
Is the error with all dbjoins or only this single one?
Do you have 3rd party components, plugins (e.g. doing JS compression)?
oh oh oh... ok i tried with the browser, but i'm afraid i'm too beginer on it... impossible for me read and understand what is writed....

"Is the error with all dbjoins or only this single one?" yes the error is with alldbjoin plugin...
"Do you have 3rd party components, plugins (e.g. doing JS compression)?" sorry, can you explain more :)

best regards
Are you sure that the table used for the dbjoin is working ok? Is it still shown in fabrik lists on the admin backend? If so, can you 'View data' for that list without errors?

Also, did you try refreshing cache on all fabrik extensions in Joomla ExtensionManager/Manage? i.e. Filter the extensions list to 'fabrik' - show 'All' - then check all checkkboxes and click 'Refresh Cache'.

If that still doesn't work (and the list used by the dbj element itself is ok) you'll probably have to delete the dbj element and add it back again. But you would lose any custom settings made. And if the element is in a table used as a repeat group you'll have to delete it in those groups also. In that case your best off to not select the "Also delete from database table?" option after you empty trash - but instead delete the element/field from the table manually via phpMyAdmin after 'trashing' it and emptying trash in all fabrik groups that were using it.
Thank you Bauer for your reply...

So table used for dbjoin works, i can read the datas in backend without error.
I deleted the databasejoin and reinstall it, but it still doesn't work.

the other lists (without database element) are correctly displayed
the database element can not find any tables in the database...
I have this error in firefox debug :

mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create ace.js:1:126202
watch add Object { $events: Object, options: Object, $caller: null, caller: null, strEl: "jform_params_join_key_column", el: <select#jform_params_join_key_column.inputbox>, periodical: 31, addWatched: true } listfields.js:125:3
watch add Object { $events: Object, options: Object, $caller: null, caller: null, strEl: "jform_params_join_val_column", el: <select#jform_params_join_val_column.inputbox>, periodical: 32, addWatched: true } listfields.js:125:3
Fabrik editor initialising: jform_params_database_join_where_sql fabrik.js:21:3
Fabrik editor initialising: jform_params_database_join_filter_where_sql fabrik.js:21:3
Fabrik editor initialising: jform_params_dabase_join_label_eval fabrik.js:21:3
watch add Object { $events: Object, options: Object, $caller: null, caller: null, strEl: "jform_params_join_desc_column", el: <textarea#jform_params_join_desc_column>, select: <select.elements>, periodical: 45, addWatched: true } listfields.js:125:3
Fabrik adminelement.js: Initialising [object Object] 248 fabrik.js:21:3
SyntaxError: unterminated regular expression literal mootools-core-uncompressed.js:1:4444
SyntaxError: unterminated regular expression literal mootools-core-uncompressed.js:1:6
SyntaxError: unterminated regular expression literal mootools-core-uncompressed.js:1:4444
All I can tell you is I did the same thing (updated form 2.5) months ago and have no issues with dbj elements - well at least not what you describe, and I use plenty of them.

Did you try using a different browser? I gave up on Firefox just a few months ago myself. I know that doesn't solve the problem - and users should be able to use Firefox. But a google search shows a lot of complaints about the same error message when using firefox. https://www.google.com/search?q=mut...5094413j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8

From reading some of those threads it seems like it's a d3.js issue - but the author of d3.js says no. It was an issue that was especially thorny in Firefox - but they supposedly took care of it over a year ago... https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=984146
When's the last time you updated Firefox?

I'm just curious why you have the problem and others don't.

Troester also could have hit on the problem - a javascript conflict with another 3rd party plugin extension.
Have you tried disabling other extensions then seeing if it works again - so you/we know which extension might be causing a conflict with fabrik?
I'd like to just stick a breakpoint in Mootools, see where that "unterminated regular expression" is coming from.

-- hugh

yes firefox, chrome, safari etc doesn't change anything... the interresting thing, is that all worked perfectly before... i changed templates, turn off all plugins one after others, delete all modules, test it with different computers, upgrated all i could upgrate... delete and install joomla! many times...
I wrote many mails with my hoster...

I hope Cheesegrits will find something in my backend....:)
Ah, flutes! I grew up as a flute player, which actually paid my way through school with music scholarships. I still have my old Gemeinhardt. But I'm ashamed to say I got seduced by rock & roll in my late teens, and am now a Hammond B3 organ player. I still bring out the flute on some tunes, like Van Morrison's Moondance, if I'm feeling nostalgic. :)

Anyway, I'm seeing what I can see on your site.

-- hugh
Just FYI I'm doing a github update at the moment.

I tracked down the issue with the AJAX calls on the join element edit pages, that's your YT Shortcodes system plugin, which is inserting a </head> tag at the end of all AJAX responses. I've turned that off, you'll have to talk to them about fixing that.

I'm currently trying to track down why the join queries are not building correctly.

-- hugh
OK ... the problem was, you had turned "Enregistrer dans la base de donn?es" (Record in Database) OFF, in the form settings. Which means Fabrik no longer thought it had a list/table. So trying to display the list, it tried to build the queries for the join elements as if they didn't have a "from" table, hence those ``.`whatever` fields in the SQL error.

Unfortunately it took me about 3 hours of stepping through and debugging your code to figure this out, as it never occured to me that might be the case.

Things seem to be OK now.

I would *really* appreciate it if you could take out a subscription for a month or two to cover some of my time on this.

Don't forget that I've turned that YT framework, so the front end isn't working atm.

-- hugh
OK, I dug around some more, and it looks like you won't be able to use this YT theme, because it removes the Mootools JS libraries in it's system plugin, and we use Mootools. I've commented out that chunk in plugins/system/yt/yt.php ...

            // Remove default mootools
            unset($doc->_scripts[JURI::root(true) . '/media/system/js/core.js']);
            unset($doc->_scripts[JURI::root(true) . '/media/system/js/modal.js']);
            unset($doc->_scripts[JURI::root(true) . '/media/system/js/mootools.js']);

... but as you can see from the front end, with error logging turned on, their code is riddled with problems.

And there's that issue with their system plugin inserting HTML markup into AJAX calls on the backend, which is breaking things.

I don't know how old that YT template is, or how attached to it you are, but it's pretty nasty, code wise.

Oh, another thing - you can't use any of the Fabrik list/form templates from 2.5, like bluesky. You have to use 'bootstrap'. I've changed the flute sales list to use it.

-- hugh