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notify users?


Active Member

so I have this ordering /shopping site with j2store. No I wondered if there's a more realtime way of notifying shops that there is a new order than with an email.
Ideally playing a sound would be great or to have an annoying popup.

I looked through the plugins but I couldn't find anything similar. Do you think there's a way?

We don't have anything. If you can find a J! app that provides that feature, I can see if there's an easy way of integrating.

Or you can send texts. Those are annoying. :)

-- hugh
I played around with mp3 in file upload element and playback works extremely well

would it be much work to trigger that playback?
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ok, it is required for the vendor to be logged in my site.
If a client finishes the order with j2store, an email is sent to him and the vendor. At the same time, the sound should be played back to the vendor
aha, that's a good question.
would it be possible to to make this feature independent of the page?
so that it is enough to be logged in?

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