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no email sent to shop with j2store


Active Member
hi Hugh,

there's a problem with my j2store implementation. Usually, an email gets send to customer AND shop on successful checkout. I think it used to work on my site, but I set it up months ago and concentrated on the fabrik stuff meanwhile.
Now there's no mail sent to the shop and I don't know why. I asked j2store
and sent them a screenshot and now they want to look in the backend which probably means that it basically should work.
So I'd like to ask you if you could have a look at the site first. Maybe it broke in this step:

Thanks in advance

Have you tried undoing that step and seeing if that makes any difference?

I have no idea why j2store isn't sending emails. I could debug it, but I'd have to do an Akeeba install of your site here, set up a PHp Storm project on it, and xdebug the process (stepping through the code line by line). Which I'd have to charge an hourly rate for.

-- hugh

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