Inline edit plugin


New Member
when i use multiple element at the same time it's just the element which is clicked that is refresh in the list the other element are updated but not refresh..
What are your Joomla caching settings?

BTW: If you want to edit multiple elements maybe it's easier to set Links=ajaxfied in list settings.
This will open the normal edit form in a popup.
hi troester,
I edit without problem multiple elements but when i save the form some edit form elements are not refresh in the list.
In list navigation option "Ajaxifier" = yes.
{"inv___csor":["inv___csor", "inv___datsor",
I take new values for csor,datsor,causesort when i save just csor is refresh and display new value but not datsor,causesort.
if i reopen my list csor,datsor,causesort are updated with new values.
I have specified Ajax in list navigation .Ajax must be specified in other options????
thank's for your reply