import arabic csv


Hello, I have a csv file which has two column , id & cityname and the cities in arabic ,, i created a list on fabrik with the same column and elements , i am trying to import the csv file but it return to empty on the column cityname ? what the reason ? can someone help please ?
It's default joomla db , if its not utf8 ,can i convert it to utf8? How?

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I think you would be able to check the table encoding and change it in something like phpmyadmin.
The table encoding itself I am sure its utf8 but for the all db I am not sure , does it affects ?

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It's working fine on my site, no matter if front-end language is set to German or Arabic.
Thanks a lot for ur suggestions , the was the CSV very large , I split it to more files then imported successfully

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Oh , now when i try to access the form which contain the dbjoin element to this cities list , it gives me this error : Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 29 bytes) ??
the CSV very large
How many records do you have?
It seems your php memory limit is about 64MB, you can try to set it to 128.

But if you have an unconstrained dbjoin to a big list it's building a huge dropdown in the form.
You can try to set "render as" to autocomplete or add some Data-where
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I have about 655500 records and I already made it as auto complete I will try to raise memory limit to 128

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were you still getting the out of memory error after having changed the element to an autocomplete?
I increased the memory limit to 128 and its rendered as auto complete already and worked well

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